Thursday, June 23, 2005

Feeling Numb

Assalamualaikum wbt Mak Cik ,Kak Cik, Pak Cik, Bang Cik, Adik-adik dan anak-anak sekalian. Macamlah ramai bebenor orang baca blog I ni. Heheh.
I just got back from a shopping and binge-ing frenzy. I really do not know where to begin. Nanti lah, when I got the energy to go and cari my card reader, I will picture-blog about my trip.

Meanwhile, what should I celoteh today eh? I am not really feeling the afterglow of a holiday because of a huge pang of guilt that I am feeling right now. So sorry this entry is less than chirpy. I must thank all of you who have contributed nice pantuns in my comment box.
I was going through my emails. The 55th on the list in my Inbox is one that gave me what felt like a mini cardiac arrest.
Re: Pakwe

A'kum wrt....How r u...

Mayb u dah dpt mssge about
Pakwe masuk hospital Southern M*****...ulcer..**** kt uia..tkdpt gi arini...makwe kate..pakwe br tido ard 11pagi td..mlm tadi pkwe meragam habis dicabutnya tiub2,... pray for his speedy recovery...

Hospital tgkt 10 bilek 10-**

Petang karang **** balik bangi
We'll keep in tch...
Not only was it a difficult email to read, I am so upset that news like this was conveyed via email in this age of cellular text messaging. I could have just made a detour on my way down south and pop over to see him should I have been informed earlier by phone.
I gave my grandfather a call. He is to be discharged later today. Called Mak, and she told me that Pakwe has kidney problems too. He's already talking about borrowed time et cetera. An aunt's biopsy confirmed cervical cancer and the other terminal. Every phonecall home, would always bring news like this. What in the world is the matter with our lifestyle that a visit to the doctor results in a death sentence. It is time like this that I wish I were more mobile and closer to home. But what can I possibly do to change things?

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