Saturday, July 09, 2005

Luther Vandross 1951-2005

Back when I was a child, before life removed all the innocence
My father would lift me high and dance with my mother and me and then
Spin me around 'til I fell asleep
Then up the stairs he would carry me
And I knew for sure I was loved
If I could get another chance, another walk, another dance with him
I'd play a song that would never, ever end
How I'd love, love, love
To dance with my father again
When I and my mother would disagree
To get my way, I would run from her to him
He'd make me laugh just to comfort me
Then finally make me do just what my mama said
Later that night when I was asleep
He left a dollar under my sheet
Never dreamed that he would be gone from me
If I could steal one final glance, one final step, one final dance with him
I'd play a song that would never, ever end
'Cause I'd love, love, love
To dance with my father again
Sometimes I'd listen outside her door
And I'd hear how my mother cried for him
I pray for her even more than me
I pray for her even more than me
I know I'm praying for much too much
But could you send back the only man she loved
I know you don't do it usually
But dear Lord she's dying
To dance with my father again
Every night I fall asleep and this is all I ever dream


Marc Jacobs

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Oh ,the withdrawal symptoms are just too hard to bear. Oh, isn't that a cute lil diaper bag? 50% off lagi. How do I make this look like something I need?

Ooh La La Lacroix

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To go with that bag, hmm, I will definitely need these....

Sigrid Olsen

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And these, for that complete mommie of a toddler look. Howzaboutzats?

Berangan Mat Jenin je kerja aku nih...

Auditory Halva

Amacam? Okay?

Tepukan gemuruh buat adik Nana kerana berjaya meletakkan secebis dari hasil nukilan Anak Pak Aji Nasir di blog yang tidak sepertinya ini buat hiburan pengunjung-pengunjung bistari sekalian. Tuan-tuan dan puan puan...terimalah suara gemersik Anak Bujang Pak Zain dan keasyikan alunan penataan muzik berteknologi tinggi oleh Anak Bongsu Pak Abu Hassan. Psst..dua-dua ni trang tang tang lagi tau.

I had intended to put another song but the webhost was giving me problems uploading new songs. So tahan je ah dengan kejiwangan dan kekaratan tahap dewa ni eh?

Keabadian Cinta, or "Everlasting Love" is a song about how wunnerfoool it is to have found love and be loved. Last time I checked, not only has this song become a favourite at wedding banquets, it has afforded me some yippee and kachink moments at the bank too.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Amacam? Turun tak?

Promo Jangan Tak Promo Beb! Posted by Picasa

Gini beb! Wa tak brani aah nak cakap lebey eh, tapi pakcik-pakcik rock kapak nak turun bulan lapan ni sia'! Rugi tak turun, wa cakap lu! Gerenti gerek sehh! Gerenti kalo organiser tak kensel la...Truth be told, the only reason why I would throw all haberdashery, drop everything and kill for a backstage pass would be because Che Anwar's band is playing too. Fort Canning is a public place, and there are a lot of trees that can camouflage me from the papparazzis. Chewah...perasan Jada Pinkett la pulak.
What most of the bands have in common is the undying passion for raw classic metal/rock reliving their youth(in denial of their maturity?) despite prosperity guts and beer bellies. Rock never die lah katakan.
The younger bands address them as Abang-name-of-band, so it's not so bad yet. Give it another 5 years, when people start calling them Uncle-name-of-band, baru nak cari kopiah kot eh?

Pandemonium Broke Loose in Londra

Just received news from our beloved Kakteh who was in the middle of it when it happened. She has asked me to let y'all know that she is alright and to thank all of you for checking on her and for praying for her safety.Alhamdulillah she's okay. If you are in Malaysia stay glued to RTM news as she will be reporting live from time to time. Catch her reports in your local newspapers tomorrow. InsyaAllah.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Narcoleptic Adulthood

Okay peeps. I am back from Melaka.
Pakwe, my grandfather was ICU-ed for a few days after he was found unconscious early Monday morning. He came to the day before I got there, but he woke up a different person altogether. Doctor said that it will take some time before he can be normal again. Thank you to all of you who have conveyed well wishes and offered prayers. It really helped. Jazakallah.
Today, I am feeling bedraggled from the stress, lack of sleep, travelling with a 2 year old in dire strait need of a leash, and God, do I have to start thinking about travelling light. I have always been dependent on Anwar to get around, this time I had to go on my own. It's actually fun to check into the hotel room by myself, take care of food and transportation, and most of all, I had to be a grown up and rough it out.
Good thing my Pakwe has a young wife who can run things efficiently while he is in the woods- he's 80 and has just shown some signs of senility. Nauzubillah. I hope his incoherence is due to the drug cocktails forced down into his system, or perhaps because he's just frazzled. Please, please Allah, bring my old Pakwe back.
The trip back on Transtar Executive Coach was an easygoing one. I still cannot get over how wide the seats are, the ample leg space, and get this, every seat has a 8 step massage system. Think reduced risks of deep vein thrombosis. The ride went swimmingly smooth, I don't know where the driver was trained. Heaven help you if you get those drug-induced ex-army bus drivers. On the Transtar, you have no reason to kancheong and would probably enjoy the company of fun-loving, retiring age Singaporean tourists home-bound who would make sure you are comfy. The best part was that they kept Aishah so entertained that all that stress worrying about long journeys is now a thing of the past. She didn't nap much, not with this Aunty who had an interesting Ozzy accent, testing Aishah's mathematical skills, and an grand looking uncle who could not stop swooning about how great Aishah is-how kembang that made me, and that Pak Arab who took the bus downsouth for the first time, thinking that all Malaysian buses are as posh as this. Heheh. I wasn't going to spill the beans about our transnasional drivers.
I got off at Lavender MRT station rehearsing a Hindi film reunion with darling Anwar in my head, he was no where in sight. Turned out he had waited for me at the Lavender Bus Interchange. 15 minutes after circling a red fire hydrant, we saw Abah cruising by the ICA pick up point. Got in and a quick cap mohor(pinjam istilah AuntyN), Aishah needed a diaper change-Help! She's not toilet trained yet. Thank you Huggies for good fit pull-up pants, I did not need a baby room.
And then came a brooding giant of a security officer tapping on the glass screen asking us to bugger off. Maybe we all looked like some berani mati carb*mbers, sticking around suspiciously way too long in front of the Immigration head office. Dah le I was wearing all black ala Afghans.
If not for Aishah's Puss in Boots eyes, we'd be whisked away for further questioning. Scared die or not?
And-Oh! All that room service at City Bayview Melaka and no exercise did some damage to my program. Must startover lah !!! Ely has lost some more weight, Anedra is doing well, and so is Massy Lassy so I gathered .Good job girls!!
Another thing, I will start telling people about Positivity Heals in a day or two. Hope it catches on yea?

Monday, July 04, 2005

The Best Appetite Supressant stress.

I have a 2 week menu plan with an Asian twist for us Makcik No-Chili-No-Rice-Can-Die-One but I will have to put that thought on hold as I have a family emergency I have to attend to. I will be in Melaka for a few days and if things get better, I will catch up with y'all soon.
Do take care.