Sunday, June 12, 2005

GI Jane Registration

While we wait for our Commanding Officer to give us a crash course on the Glycemic Index Diet. Let's see a show of hands on those who would like to join me in my crusade against ____________. Isi tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang sesuai.

1.We will give ourselves a reasonable target weight.
2.We will get serious about our workouts.
3.we will be more responsible about the food we eat.
4.We will do this within a stipulated time.
5.We will continue to support each other during our highs and our lows.
6.We will celebrate our success together.
7.We will include a postscript in our blog entries a little note about our progress.
8.We will communicate with each other via YM if anyone calls out SOS.

Feel free to improvise the abovementioned list.


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