Friday, July 22, 2005


MIL has been under a lot of stress lately. So I thought she could use some timeout and brought her to the mall earlier today. Her blood pressure is tipping towards the higher side of things so she has been advised to lose 20 kilos and exercise 4 times a week. What better time to go shopping huh. With all that renovation sale, moving out and clearance sale going on almost all year everywhere, shopping is as natural as breathinglah. Her need to exercise also necessitate a major overhaul in wardrobe.
So as that designated shopping companion (the retail industry should start paying me lah), she is 3 track bottoms, 2 long sleeved t-shirt and a sports pouch richer. I even managed to hypnotize her into believing that Converse is comfortable and stylo even for a 50-something. Actually, I was really into that New Arrival 15% off X-training pair of Nikes but she would not budge from that budget of $70. She also did not agree to add one more t-shirt, which was a comfy Nautica grey and navy blue piece. Like all grandmas the world over, shopping for oneself would result in a serious case of after purchase guilt. So off we went to the kidstore and got all her grandchildren a few boxes of toys. I got Aishah a new hat and an el cheapo teach-your-child-how-to tell-the time toy clock. I also got my nephew a $5 army binoculars. The fad at the toy section is Batman merchandise. Aishah was fascinated by this dark brooding character and asked me if she could have a look at the Batman Bust bank. And then began, what sounded like a Cikgu Bedah lecture .
"Excuse me, (Bat)Man. Why Man fur-round(frown)? Don't fur-round.It's no good. Aishah say, don't fur-round ochey(ok)?"
She repeatedly nagged the same script, while Batman played deaf and mute the entire time. Last-last she got fed up and smacked Batman. Aishah said,
"Aishah haip Man. Aishah say don't fur-round,right?Notty Man!"
Whoops!My bad.
What did I get for myself? Hmm...a nice bag from Ren*ma 70% off. So what if I can't afford Marc Jacobs?
My lucky stars did not stop there. My FIL called to tell me that the MYR has been unpegged. So off went this kiasu entourage to the lone Money Changer at the mall and got ourselves crispy multicolored MYRs in preparation for our next trip up to good ol Malaysia. That's actually not quite an encouraging news for Singaporeans, they can't shop like rich people in KL anymore lah. I, on the other hand will gain more as royalties and payments I get are mostly in MYR .If MYR does appreciate,I would be able to spend my income guiltlessly in Singapore.
Oh, Tok Ghimau came down to Singapore a few days ago, and we met over Ribena and Teh Ais. Aishah took less than 15 minutes to warm up to him. She calls him Uncle Moo (short for Mohariz) and I thought that was just so cute. Meeting bloggers offline has been fun lah. BTW, sapa2 ada kawan2 single mingle, kenenkan lah dengan Tok Ghimau ni. Mamat ni nyer lawak, pecaaah!!! Bapak peh pecah!

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