Friday, August 05, 2005

Lumpy Lipids in Limbo

The GI Jane bootcamp went a wee bit silent after almost all of its members succumbed to the voracious appetite for smackalicious food naturally ingrained in their gourmet worshipping willpower. About the only people observed as taking this exercise thing seriously are our urat dawai Kak Tenah*, and Ely* who are actively doing serious circuit training and power walks respectively, while the persons whose heads are often found bobbing in and out of the fridge for snacks and quick desserts in between, and their continous talk about food with romantic passion helped little in their pursuit to manage that extra jiggle in their gait. You know who you are.
Homefront, I have lost the 5 lbs I gained this past weeks by chatting my way through meal times(a lot of ppl helped me do this, thank you), munching on fruits while watching food tv(a little bit of imagination helped) and taking omega-3 and honey propolis drops. Taking Senna seeds every other day also helps clean out my system too. That lemon and honey juice must have helped suppress my cravings. I still daydream about losing 15 more before I go shopping for sheers again.Sigh.
I tried walking, and timed myself. Whew! I remember running 100m in 16 secs back when I was so much younger and so much more in love with exercise, now I can hardly make it across the zebra crossing in 10. I guess I do have something to worry about especially when climbing the neighbourhood overhead bridge halfway left me panting and clutching my chest, it was definitely a sign of protest from my muscles(what muscles?) after being rudely woken up from sedentary slumber.
I guess after I completely heal from that Humpty Dumpty had a great fall episode, I'd bring myself to the club and run the treadmill with the Ah Sohs and Tai-tais....say, Monday?
So how low can you go lah?
*find them at Sentraal Station

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