Monday, August 29, 2005

Pot Luck Picnic

Geng Gebang Singapura

Oh, nyamannya suasana

So CK-F-Y, Noreez, Raudz and I agreed meet at Botanical Gardens at 3 pm yesterday, just so that CK could take a break from playing host( doing the 3Cs-cook, clean and collapse) to all of us. A picnic was amicably decided and the food was to be fuss-free. But ALL of us ended up carrying berkoyan-koyan of goodies. The event manager was Noreez of course, the ever efficient one.
For the sake of waking up your salivary glands this mundane Monday morning(or whatever time you happen to read this), let me just list down the things that are probably going through the home stretch down our digestive system, and for you to angan-angan. It IS going to be my last Sunday before I start my frantic yo-yo dieting. Again.
Yeah, right.
Noreez brought tuna sandwiches-which were superb I could easily finish them all but I tau malu, skewered sausage and sotong balls and kueh-mueh, including a very nice cake-a surprise gift commemorating F and CK's forthcoming anniversary. CK brought berlambak fruits, Chikedees (I got really hyper when I saw the packet, felt like a kid again), Royce chocolate covered whole almonds( checkout also Royce cubes) and berlambak drinks. Ely's hard candies also made an appearance but no one actually touched it, pemalu kot or I lembap tak offer. I brought nasi himpit and sambal bali for the grownups, and tomatoey pasta with basil and parmesan, cheezdippers for the kids and some drinks. We ended up with so much to eat and drink after all.
It was really hard to decide what to gobble first. So rambang was my mata, CK had to jemput me more than 3 times. Muahaha. Macam terkesima dan terblur-blur gitu. Oh the cake, oh the kueh, oh the chocs, oh no, the chocs. Die-die. The Amande (amender?) Chocolates were yummy, almonds coated with dark choc, milk choc and white choc. You would think that being as meticulous as they are in food preparation, the Japanese would somehow make it with flying colours as chocolate connoissuers huh? They were really lovely lovely morsels of heaven, I tell you.
Our designated photographer, Raudz made sure all the Kodak moments were immortalized. She is a bag of talents this wee lil lass. Janganlah malu-malu beli majalah Manja bulan ni. She even made Aishah and I bracelets out of beads. Enterprising lagi Nona Singapura ni. gambar gelang MIA
Selain dari acara makan memakan, while tha daddies took a stroll with them daughters mommies, kakak dan adik urm, mesyuarat tingkaplah, jabbered away. Muahahaha.
Alah, anak abah

Dari kiri, cepat jalan.

Chocolate Ganache Layer Cake

It was Noreez's idea to give the lovely couple, CK and F, an early celebration of their anniversary. And they were really touched with the gesture. A little monster actually hijacked the cake thinking it was her birthday and cut the cake first. Malunya aku... But the cake was delish.

Noreez and I

Notice that I am always within arm's reach to the chocs. Oh, one thing that I overlooked again and again (nyanyuk tak sedar diri) is the fact that Noreez and CK are wonderfully generous people, that I am beginning to feel really bashful for all the goodies and trinkets that they lavish me with when we meet. CK gave each of us girls bling bling with our names customized in crystals. Aishah got t-shirts from these lovely ladies. I really, really must buck up, man! Thanks, you guys...

Bling! Bling!

Hip Hot Hoochie Mama T-shirts for Aishah

We went back slightly after 6 pm. Aishah was clearly reluctant to go home, she actually asked to "picnic again". Y was obviously very tired because she had not napped before the picnic. It was getting late too. I could see on Noreez's face, so motherly was she towards Aishah and Yasmin,it occured to me, she is the most maternal of all of us put together. She was quick to notice what Aishah was up to, walhal mak dia khayal. Cepat-cepatlah kawin, Noreez.You would make a good mom.

I may have missed out other details of the picnic, and there are many more pics. Hop over to these lovely people's blog for more. We parted ways with promises to meet up again.

To CK and family, Noreez and Raudz...

Bangun pagi gosok gigi

Jangan serik, mari lah picnic lagi

Pak Lebai pakai celak

Pasni BBQ lah pulak

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