Thursday, June 30, 2005

Positive Charge

I am toying with an idea to further support Kakteh's positive blogging campaign. As a matter of fact, this idea was first introduced by Arwanzeefor earlier this year, bouncing off from another internet community that we were both contributing as netizens. I guess if we want to do something the time is now lah kan. I have set up a testrun discussion forum at forumco before I get meself an official domain and learn how to manage a database or pay/get somebody to do it for me.
The forum is called "Positivity Heals" where people can share their problems and talk it out with other members or privately with our in-house "listeners" or "positivists"( I am not talking about Comte, Mill, Spencer, Feuerbach, Marx and Engels, mind you). It is not fully operational yet as I would need more volunteers to help me manage private messages. I have 2 volunteers thus far. So I hope to get more support from my blogpals to contribute your wisdom and experience and to be that positive friend we cannot get enough of these days.
I hope to pass this message on to other forums and communities so that people who need help and those who can give help can congregate. I am open for suggestions and opinions on how best we could execute this.
Are you game? Please hop over to Positivity Heals and register as a member. Send me a note if you are interested to become one of our in-house listeners/positivists.
Thank you.

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