Monday, June 27, 2005

Today is the Day I Decided be kind to myself,watch my diet and exercise. Seriously. I am logging everything I eat in an ala 555 book, I'll make sure I eat 6 times a day,work out at least 30 minutes a day, and increase in duration and intensity as I go along.
Hopefully by December I'd find something cute, a mesh halter maybe...La Perla would be nice...and be able to slip into it effortlessly. You may think that this is yet another yo-yo diet of mine, or just guilt talking post-ice cream moments. Well it probably is, until I have something to prove ya?
Monday is a good day to start fresh. So here we are.
There is a need to control my obsession with food. I want to be able to remain passionate about food yet I want to make wiser decisions about what I actually let pass my lips.
At the end of the day, I'd like to lose 10 lbs with a program that is suitable for Asian mothers,especially those who have to cook for the rest of the family without needing a separate budget for diet food. Exclusively for those who will just wither and die if there is no chilli in their diet.
So those who have signed up to join me, today we begin our journey towards a healthier and happier us.
What I ate today:
Muesli with full cream milk.
A glass of water
A glass of apple-grape juice
Morning Snack:
Iced water
Corn soup and plain crackers
Grilled Sea Bream, smothered with bumbu pepes
wrapped in turmeric leaves
Hot Dipping Sauce
White rice
Water and butter coconut crackers
For the family I just added daging masak lemak chilli padi with bambooshoots, bergedil and sambal belacan mangga.
For dinner later, I plan to munch on 3 cucumbers cicah sambal belacan while I watch Che Anwar eat. After a cup of brown rice cereal before 8 pm, the kitchen will be closed.
My workout includes void deck football and walking around a few blocks. I will rest from qi gong for a while and get down to higher intensity cardio workout. Hopefully I will istiqamah dalam beriadhah. Muscle toning as in resistance and weight training will follow suit once the weight is showing some potential in gradual reduction.
Aishah needs me to be able to run around with her. How can I do that if my butt's too hefty.
Hopefully by the end of this project, I would have enough recipes that I can publicize my own get-with-the-program boot camp, The Sambal Belacan Blogger Way. Fellow blogger-dieters are welcome to contribute slimming Asian recipes anytime. As agreed previously, we'd continue cheering each other on okay? Good luck!

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