Sunday, June 26, 2005

Effervercent Uja

It was like going on a date, I had to change three times before I decided on a non-iron salwar kameez. Our meet up point was in front of the dhoby, walking distance from Tampines Interchange. We had planned to meet at 1.45 pm Batam time, yet both of us showed up promptly at Singapore time.
It was pretty funny to get all fuzzy and nervous, macam nak jumpa blindate, you don't know how this person looks like and chances are you might be calling each other even when you're standing next to each other. So I rang her up to see if the girl who stood there beside me then was her. Uja solved the problem by telling me that she was going to pick me up in a maroon car. The moment I hung up, a maroon S class passed by..Aiyoh, dia ke ni? I feel so kerdil in the presence of a Benz. Oh bukan, tu Ah Pek bling bling rantai besar lengan...
Then dari jauh, kereta maroon chomel approached and somebody was waving at me...Ok that's her! Yeay! Got into the car, salaam and true to Kak Teh's word, Uja is spelt FUN (capital letters, bold print). There was not even time for that first meeting awkwardness. She made me feel like I was an old friend. In fact, looking at her, rasa macam, eyy, she is so like me she could be a sister of mine. The sister who can talk like ketapi and make you laugh so much you'd wet your seluar kecik.
Pastu apa lagi, makan aah...she brought me to Siglap, a bit like the uptown Bangsar kinda ambience. So kita pun makan lah....I had Breaded Sea Bass, she had Miso Soft Shell Crab. Chewaaah, macam fine dining je gitu eh.I wiped my plate clean sampai parsley pun I makan..but she is so happening I tell you, I was nearly sad when we had to part because, like all Singaporeans I know, schedule mesti penuh, dan semua benda pun mesti chop chop. I've come to accept this fast paced lifestyle. It's a bit like President Bush's timetable times two. Very adrenalizing!
We parted ways because I had to go and buy Aishah a toy- felt guilty sebab keluar tak bawak dia. And Uja had to pick up some friends who was already waiting for her.
I really hope that we'd get together again, so that I get to belanja her makan. It is so happening to eat with her because these days it's so hard to find someone who does not play with her food. Anyone whose weekend include meal appointments within short intervals of to-ing and fro-ing is a happy friend.
Thank you Kak Teh for hooking us up. Uja is a blast!!!!

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